GOSAILING training courses
ISSA Yacht Crew
If you are newbie in yachting. The initial level is for those who are not yet familiar with yachting, or had yacht trip as passenger only
наша сотрудница Анна Салахова (Доронина) на мачте во время регаты MIRW
DOESN'T ALLOW to rent the yacht
but allows to join as team member and study next sailing courses
Admission requirements
We require identification documents,
Minimum age required: 10 years old
lack of severe mental diseases, prolapses, severe affections of organs of speech, hearing and sight, as well as dangerous heart diseases and locomotor system problems. No health certificate is needed for recreational trainings.
Формат обучения
   7 дней обучения и прибрежный поход
   Теория и практика могут быть совмещены на борту.
  1. Практические навыки матроса (продемонстрировать);
  2. Теоретические знания матроса (письменно)
наша сотрудница Анна Салахова (Доронина) на мачте во время регаты MIRW
other courses of the sailing school GoSailing: